What We Do

Welcome to An Eco-Friendly Atmosphere, the community and resource dedicated to letting you know about the greatest opportunities to learn about and help the environment and ourselves, as well as important reasons to become active in protecting our natural world! Whether your concern expands to influence your roles as a donor, consumer, campaigner, or employer/employee, we hope that these causes and resources will help you to become a more environmentally conscious and active person. Enjoy this site, as everything here will help enrich your life and better the world!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Want to be a Carbon Conscious Consumer?

Here's a simple message I found when pledging to forgo my car for just ONE day next week:

It takes total carbon dioxide emissions from most countries worldwide combined to equal just vehicle emissions in the United States, and as we consume more and more gas, pressure builds to drill in fragile and conflict-ridden areas. Yet a quarter of the trips Americans make are within walking distance, and each American driver could keep nearly a thousand pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air by taking the Carbon Conscious Consumer pledge to find an alternative to driving only one day each week. With gas prices so high, now is a great time to start reducing our reliance on cars.

Each month from July to December, Carbon Conscious Consumer (c3.newdream.org) will highlight a new, simple way each individual can make an impact, plus show the difference each person makes both individually and along with the people they’ve influenced; prizes go to participants who influence the most new pledges.

This August, keep the car in the driveway one day each week. Each gallon of gas that goes unused keeps twenty pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. In addition to benefiting the environment, participants will save money on gas, get exercise, and 39 participants will win one of four prizes like an all-expenses paid spot on the Sustainable Energy in Motion Bicycle Tour. They can even go one step further and use information they find on c3.newdream.org to improve their gas mileage for the times they do have to drive. Visit the website now to get started.

This came from C3 (Carbon Conscious Consumer)'s Online Promotion Kit: http://c3.newdream.org/more/email.php (copy and paste the link or just click one of the above ones to get to the website!).

Let me know what you think and if you take the pledge! Thanks for your support and action!

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